Parthenogenesis – a Landscape in the NYU Abu Dhabi Art Gallery
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The NYU Abu Dhabi Art Gallery on Saadiyat Island is hosting “Parthenogenesis” exhibition from March 1st to June 12th, 2022. Offered as a landscape, “Parthenogenesis” is a testament to Ramin Haerizadeh, Rokni Haerizadeh, and Hesam Rahmanian’s 13-year collaboration in Dubai. 

Originally from Iran, they have embraced Dubai as their home. These artists have been working together, making a network of continuously evolving ideas and dialogues with collaborators, artists, and visitors to their homes. Their artwork emerges from the energy generated by constantly evolving relations: between themselves, towards their work, and in their environment. New collaborators, materials, and events spiral in and out of this space. 

It is their first institutional solo exhibition in the UAE, for which the artists have created a landscape in the gallery that traces the artwork’s evolution about the artists’ engagement with others.

Ramin Haerizadeh, Rokni Haerizadeh, Hesam Rahmanian are known for their immersive, surreal projects, performances, paintings, and animations. Their works have been exhibited internationally at multiple biennials and significant museums (including Liverpool, Sydney, and Toronto biennials, and Kunsthalle Zurich, ICA Boston, MACBA Barcelona, and a forthcoming project at the Hayward Gallery, London). 

The NYUAD Art Gallery is an intimate museum space in a university setting. Modeled on the academic museums of the US, the curatorial program explores locally relevant and internationally significant subjects. This model of scholarly, experimental, non-commercial art exhibitions complements and enhances the region’s fast-growing cultural ecosystem.

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