Khalil Rabah: What is Not at Sharjah Art Museum
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Artist and architect Khalil Rabah from Jerusalem is presenting his scaled models and ongoing projects at “What is Not” at Sharjah Art Museum. The exhibition will be open until July 4th, 2022. 

Khalil Rabah proposes experimental platforms and frameworks to investigate changes in cultural institutions and curatorial and museological discourses during states of emergency or the following displacement. The exhibition displays the artist’s primary works, created from the 1990s to the present, including overviews of Rabah’s projects like the Palestinian Museum of Natural History and Humankind (2000s).

Khalil Rabah’s art provokes debates about cultural organisations by questioning the social, cultural and political value attributed to artefacts. Since Rabah is an architect, he wants to provide an alternative vision that challenges public perceptions in his works. He uses different methodologies to engage with themes of displacement, memory and identity to examine the relationship between people and their surroundings as well as the nature of the global human condition.

He is the artistic director of Riwaq Biennale, Ramallah, founder of the Palestinian Museum of Natural History and Humankind and co-founder of Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem. He has also served on the advisory board of the Delfina Foundation, London, and the curricular committee of Ashkal Alwan Home Workspace Programme, Beirut.